Archangel Metatron Channel via James Tyberonn
The Year Ahead
2012 is an incredibly important year. It contains within its sequential linear flow, points of multidimensional intersection and time-gates. It is in fact the enhanced points of manifold time that have allowed the Ascension to occur. These points are the gateways many of you that are ';envoys' from the future , Sirian-Pleiadean Navigators and Code Carriers entered through to be here on the planet for the Ascension.
2012 is a final awakening clarion call for many of the code-carriers. And there is much to do in 2012, In many ways your work truly begins in 2012.
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Diwali - Festival of Lights!
In India, one of the most significant festivals is Diwali, or the Festival of Lights. It's a fiveday celebration that includes good food, fireworks, colored sand, and special candles and lamps.
Friday, October 28, 2011
*Please tune into a meditation for World Peace sometimes during the day*
*Please tune into a meditation for World Peace sometimes during the day*
Occupy Yourself Movement
Oct 28th 2011
A momentum is occurring
People are uniting across the world
They are sending a message
The next step is fast approaching
On Oct 28th 2011
Thursday, October 27, 2011
11-11-11: Source Code Activation
By Lauren C. Gorgo
“We would open with this: Congratulations! You are officially on the runway to new earth.”- The Pleiadian High Council
“The moment that each of you have been waiting for, the moment that we have termed “inception” is approaching. This is heralded by the massive energies precipitated by the opening of the 11:11 stargate portal on 11/11/11. What this means for the way-showers is monumental, for it is this group who will be physically laying the template on earth for all other inhabitants to follow.” -PHC
“We would open with this: Congratulations! You are officially on the runway to new earth.”- The Pleiadian High Council
“The moment that each of you have been waiting for, the moment that we have termed “inception” is approaching. This is heralded by the massive energies precipitated by the opening of the 11:11 stargate portal on 11/11/11. What this means for the way-showers is monumental, for it is this group who will be physically laying the template on earth for all other inhabitants to follow.” -PHC
By Peggy Black and the 'team'..
Humanity is invited to shift their focus and allow themselves to form groups and gather and receive the high frequency vibrational gifts that are being offered to the planetary matrix. The up coming event of 11:11:11 serves as a powerful recalibrating portal, a galactic opportunity for expanding consciousness and activating your body of light.
By Peggy Black and the 'team'..
Humanity is invited to shift their focus and allow themselves to form groups and gather and receive the high frequency vibrational gifts that are being offered to the planetary matrix. The up coming event of 11:11:11 serves as a powerful recalibrating portal, a galactic opportunity for expanding consciousness and activating your body of light.
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
New Moon Wednesday, October 26
Together we approach the threshold of the New Earth...hand in hand we prepare for one giant leap for our human race.
Blessings Dear Light Teams,
As the dark night of the New Moon takes us once again into the nurturing womb of the Mother, the great cosmic cycle represented by the Mayan calendar winds down to zero point and humanity stands upon the threshold of a magnificent new world!
The call for Planetary Service has never been so urgent as during these coming days of great shift.
Together we approach the threshold of the New Earth...hand in hand we prepare for one giant leap for our human race.
As the dark night of the New Moon takes us once again into the nurturing womb of the Mother, the great cosmic cycle represented by the Mayan calendar winds down to zero point and humanity stands upon the threshold of a magnificent new world!
The call for Planetary Service has never been so urgent as during these coming days of great shift.
Children of the Sun Humanitarian Foundation
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
For One Day...We Shut The System Down!
October 28, 2011
Thursday, October 13, 2011
11-11-11 ~ Awakening the Hearts of Humanity
By Estaryia Venus
The 11-11-11 gateway is upon us. Many are speaking about it and many are beginning to feel on an energetic level the deeper awakening that is about to occur.
As we continue to move towards 2012 and beyond, the hearts of humanity are going through an energetic shift from separation to an inner knowing of oneness and a sense of unity consciousness that will raise the vibration of this planet into its next evolution.
The 11-11-11 gateway is upon us. Many are speaking about it and many are beginning to feel on an energetic level the deeper awakening that is about to occur.
As we continue to move towards 2012 and beyond, the hearts of humanity are going through an energetic shift from separation to an inner knowing of oneness and a sense of unity consciousness that will raise the vibration of this planet into its next evolution.
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
What is NESARA Law?
Late one evening on March 9, 2000, a written quorum call was hand-delivered by Delta Force and Navy SEALs to 15 members of the US Senate and the US House who were sponsors and co-sponsors of NESARA. They were immediately escorted by the Delta Force and Navy SEALs to their respective voting chambers where they passed the National Economic Security and Reformation Act. It was signed into Law on October 10, 2000 by Bill Clinton. It has been kept secret by members of Congress and the US Supreme Court who are working in collusion with the banks.
In 2001 after much negotiation the Supreme Court justices ordered the 107th Congress to pass resolutions approving‘ NESARA. This took place on September 9, 2001, eighteen months after NESARA became law. On September 10, 2001, George Bush Sr. moved into the White house to steer his son on how to block the announcement. The next day, on September 11, 2001, at 10 AM Eastern Daylight Time, Alan Greenspan was scheduled to announce the new US Treasury Bank system, debt forgiveness for all U.S. citizens, and abolishment of the IRS as the first part of the public announcements of NESARA.
Late one evening on March 9, 2000, a written quorum call was hand-delivered by Delta Force and Navy SEALs to 15 members of the US Senate and the US House who were sponsors and co-sponsors of NESARA. They were immediately escorted by the Delta Force and Navy SEALs to their respective voting chambers where they passed the National Economic Security and Reformation Act. It was signed into Law on October 10, 2000 by Bill Clinton. It has been kept secret by members of Congress and the US Supreme Court who are working in collusion with the banks.
In 2001 after much negotiation the Supreme Court justices ordered the 107th Congress to pass resolutions approving‘ NESARA. This took place on September 9, 2001, eighteen months after NESARA became law. On September 10, 2001, George Bush Sr. moved into the White house to steer his son on how to block the announcement. The next day, on September 11, 2001, at 10 AM Eastern Daylight Time, Alan Greenspan was scheduled to announce the new US Treasury Bank system, debt forgiveness for all U.S. citizens, and abolishment of the IRS as the first part of the public announcements of NESARA.
Monday, October 10, 2011
Full Moon Wednesday, October 12 ~ 7th and final "Day" of the 9th Wave
On October 12th, we enter into the 7th and final "Day" of the 9th Wave of the Mayan Calendar with our Full Moon in Aries, the sign of rebirth and renewal. As cosmic waves of Divine Light inundate Mother Earth, our hearts remain open to receive the continued blessings from the energy forcefield referred to as El Enin, now aligned with the Earth and Mars, and our Soul sings with the love and wisdom of the Christos returning.
On October 12th, we enter into the 7th and final "Day" of the 9th Wave of the Mayan Calendar with our Full Moon in Aries, the sign of rebirth and renewal. As cosmic waves of Divine Light inundate Mother Earth, our hearts remain open to receive the continued blessings from the energy forcefield referred to as El Enin, now aligned with the Earth and Mars, and our Soul sings with the love and wisdom of the Christos returning.
Children of the Sun Humanitarian Foundation
Friday, October 7, 2011
Inception: the final initiation
By Lauren C. Gorgo
“We would like to congratulate all those at the forefront of new-humanity… it is because of you that the tides have turned and a new consciousness has washed ashore. We are delighted to share the many new concepts that will further your advancement in human-evolution, and we are partciularly enthralled with the idea of joining with you as galactic-overseers. We are part of your extended family from home, and we greet you in kind...”
“And now we share this with you, that you have come home, that you are soon to be embraced in the arms of The Creator. The Source of All that IS, is your true resonant home and you are now beginning to remember this place as it opens within your heart, within every cell of your being, and as you align with your total magnificence. You willingly descended into the bowels of unconsciousness, and now you ascend into the full radiance of LOVE, your template of light, your divine blueprint of perfection.”
-The Seven Sisters of Pleiades
“We would like to congratulate all those at the forefront of new-humanity… it is because of you that the tides have turned and a new consciousness has washed ashore. We are delighted to share the many new concepts that will further your advancement in human-evolution, and we are partciularly enthralled with the idea of joining with you as galactic-overseers. We are part of your extended family from home, and we greet you in kind...”
“And now we share this with you, that you have come home, that you are soon to be embraced in the arms of The Creator. The Source of All that IS, is your true resonant home and you are now beginning to remember this place as it opens within your heart, within every cell of your being, and as you align with your total magnificence. You willingly descended into the bowels of unconsciousness, and now you ascend into the full radiance of LOVE, your template of light, your divine blueprint of perfection.”
-The Seven Sisters of Pleiades
Thursday, October 6, 2011
The World vs Wall Street
Posted: 5 October 2011
Thousands of Americans have non-violently occupied Wall St -- an epicentre of global financial power and corruption. They are the latest ray of light in a new movement for social justice that is spreading like wildfire from Madrid to Jerusalem to 146 other cities and counting, but they need our help to succeed.
St Germain and Sekhmet: Join Wall St. Protestors! Take NESARA Flyers!
"So here we are, Beloved Ones, in this grand gathering of Family. The violet flame is with us and surrounds us, and the golden white light of the Christ is here, and yes, the blue ray of Truth, and we are all here together. And it is for us to join our hands and our hearts. Welcome your beloved guides and angels, welcome the Masters and your starseed families and the magical kingdoms, not seen by everyone, but nevertheless a part of Planet Earth. The Divas and the spirits of the land, the Fairies and the Elementals, and yes, welcome the kingdoms of the Plants and the Animals and the Crystals, because they, too, are waiting for this grand event, this Announcement, this implementation, this moving forward. It will be like a rocket ship for everyone on the Ascension path!
Given through Susan Leland, October 4, 2011.©
"So here we are, Beloved Ones, in this grand gathering of Family. The violet flame is with us and surrounds us, and the golden white light of the Christ is here, and yes, the blue ray of Truth, and we are all here together. And it is for us to join our hands and our hearts. Welcome your beloved guides and angels, welcome the Masters and your starseed families and the magical kingdoms, not seen by everyone, but nevertheless a part of Planet Earth. The Divas and the spirits of the land, the Fairies and the Elementals, and yes, welcome the kingdoms of the Plants and the Animals and the Crystals, because they, too, are waiting for this grand event, this Announcement, this implementation, this moving forward. It will be like a rocket ship for everyone on the Ascension path!
Given through Susan Leland, October 4, 2011.©
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
RITE OF PASSAGE #2 October 2-8, 2011
The I AM that I AM
The Divine Feminine Forcefield of God
The Great Golden Sun Disc of Giza, Egypt
The Planetary Crystalline Grid
Children of the Sun Group Avatar
Firing the Grid in the Middle East
Return of Reverence for the Divine Mother
and the Restoration of Gender Balance
We would be so honored if you could join us... daily on your own time, October 2-8, 2011.
We are transmitting through the Crystalline Grid from the Persia Retreat over Iran.
The energy matrix is supported by adjacent Ascended Master Sacred Fire Retreats.
The Grid pulsations are amplified by the Golden Solar Disc of Giza, Egypt.
Please join us in the powerful planetary service.
With support from:The I AM that I AM
The Divine Feminine Forcefield of God
The Great Golden Sun Disc of Giza, Egypt
The Planetary Crystalline Grid
Children of the Sun Group Avatar
The Great Host of Ascended Masters and their Legions of Angels and Sacred Fire Radiation...
Children of the Sun Foundation
The Development of Unity by Archangel Metatron
Channelled through Natalie Glasson 03-10-11
With love I step forward to share my energy and wisdom with you. It is my wish that you
know and understand that I am here to support and steer you through the changes and lessons
that are anchoring into your reality now as your energies transform into a quicker vibration of
The presence of unity will develop so much that it will begin to dissolve all belief systems
of separation therefore developing new spiritual ascension experiences for humanity to evolve
though. The acceptance of unity within your being, then unity with everything and everyone
around you followed by the destruction of the belief system of separation will allow for a greater
manifestation of unity with the Creator, which could also be described as a joining with the
Creator. This could be seen as one half joining another half or it could be seen as a greater
connection within your being which allows for the energy of the Creator you have always held to
With love I step forward to share my energy and wisdom with you. It is my wish that you
know and understand that I am here to support and steer you through the changes and lessons
that are anchoring into your reality now as your energies transform into a quicker vibration of
The presence of unity will develop so much that it will begin to dissolve all belief systems
of separation therefore developing new spiritual ascension experiences for humanity to evolve
though. The acceptance of unity within your being, then unity with everything and everyone
around you followed by the destruction of the belief system of separation will allow for a greater
manifestation of unity with the Creator, which could also be described as a joining with the
Creator. This could be seen as one half joining another half or it could be seen as a greater
connection within your being which allows for the energy of the Creator you have always held to
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Monday, October 3, 2011
The Energies for October 2011
The new vibration coming on your planet is about to change your perception through the field of the heart. It is a merging of the inner vision and perception with the heart. This new connection will allow you to move in the new energies in a smooth way. So you will be able to move with peace while you discover the new reality emerging now.
Loved ones, the era of Light comes now. Why do you worry? Is there any fear in the Light? Is there any trace of fear within Love? Of course not. The quotients of Love embracing the planet through the heart of the Divine are so high as never before. This is the energy which will support you and set you free in order to make the next step for the raising of your conciousness, helping you in the evolution of your being on all levels.
The new vibration coming on your planet is about to change your perception through the field of the heart. It is a merging of the inner vision and perception with the heart. This new connection will allow you to move in the new energies in a smooth way. So you will be able to move with peace while you discover the new reality emerging now.
Loved ones, the era of Light comes now. Why do you worry? Is there any fear in the Light? Is there any trace of fear within Love? Of course not. The quotients of Love embracing the planet through the heart of the Divine are so high as never before. This is the energy which will support you and set you free in order to make the next step for the raising of your conciousness, helping you in the evolution of your being on all levels.
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Submit to the Sovereignty of Heaven Rosh Hashanah and Navaratri
This painting is Divine Mother as Durga or the Egyptian Mother Sekhmet destroying the dark Ones who wished to control Earth and Other Planets while the Angelic Galactics look on from their Heavenly Realm on the Ships. This is Celebrated in India with a 9 Day Vigil for Mother and October 1, 2 and 3rd are devoted to that form of Mother which is Lakshmi. Lakshmi is the Goddess of Wealth. She will grant you with spiritual knowledge and physical money and all forms of health and wealth abundance. Connect with this Divine Energy Today and ask Lakshmi bring MORE to you and enter Abundance Consciousness. It is Rosh Hashanah which is a time to clear away the old to align your Intention with the Sovereign All That Is. It is a wonderful period of casting off all that does not work and bask in the Blessings of a New Path. In the recent new moon we planted seeds of what we would like to see come to pass during this month. On the Full Moon reflect on our New Creation. We are responsible for Creating our World. Make it New Earth.
This painting is Divine Mother as Durga or the Egyptian Mother Sekhmet destroying the dark Ones who wished to control Earth and Other Planets while the Angelic Galactics look on from their Heavenly Realm on the Ships. This is Celebrated in India with a 9 Day Vigil for Mother and October 1, 2 and 3rd are devoted to that form of Mother which is Lakshmi. Lakshmi is the Goddess of Wealth. She will grant you with spiritual knowledge and physical money and all forms of health and wealth abundance. Connect with this Divine Energy Today and ask Lakshmi bring MORE to you and enter Abundance Consciousness. It is Rosh Hashanah which is a time to clear away the old to align your Intention with the Sovereign All That Is. It is a wonderful period of casting off all that does not work and bask in the Blessings of a New Path. In the recent new moon we planted seeds of what we would like to see come to pass during this month. On the Full Moon reflect on our New Creation. We are responsible for Creating our World. Make it New Earth.
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