Dearest Grid Transmitters,
The days are getting progressively shorter as we march steadily towards the Equinox. As Planetary Light Servers, it is our task to take up the role of the Sun during times of increasing darkness, blazing our inner light into every long abiding shadow.
In these last few weeks before the Rites of Passage, we are gently guided to enter into a state of silent receptivity, listening to the hushed voice of our Soul as it reveals any areas in need of personal attention. Our current state of spiritual purity holds the centerpoint of our collective focus, reminding us to take the necessary time to balance and harmonize our energy body systems before we potentially emerge into God Realization.
It is wise to remember that we have always been perfect and God Realized. It is only through the conscious and unconscious acceptance of external programs that we came to veil this inherent Truth. Our spiritual body has always retained it's absolute purity, patiently waiting for us to turn our attention inwards and upwards towards the immanent Divine Presence. As we come to accept this, the light of our Soul and Monadic Source can more easily reveal itself in our physical forms.
With our vision concentrated upon the accomplished fact of our true God Power, we become the full embodiment of the Divine Human expression. The invocation of the Sacred Fires greatly assists in the purification, preparation and revelation of this innate blueprint of immaculate perfection. These potent planetary rays serve to qualify our every activity through the Will of God, the pure mirror of our thought-force, thus bringing forth our authentic Divine Self.
This month's blue moon graciously lends it's rare and subtle radiance to aide us in our upcoming transmission efforts. As a reflected source of solar light, we can work in perfect synergy with this celestial body to amplify our ability to focus our every thought and feeling upon the spiritual perfection of our entire Group Body.
Beloved Light Transmission Team, now is the time to share forth ALL you have actualized. Through this selfless act of energy transference, we widen and augment the bridge of light to our beloved Group I AM.