Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.
The numbers of people open to the idea of major changes are growing, and it is a sign that many more are becoming sensitive to the new energies that abound upon Earth. Some feel fear of change whilst others sense that behind it is the intent to move your civilization out of the morass that threatens to bring the world down. It is therefore a unique time for those with knowledge of what the changes are leading to, and an opportunity to let it be known that all ends well. At present matters are reaching a point of no return and we and our allies wait for the signal to go into action. All is prepared and although the dark Ones are aware that their time is up, the suddenness and extent of our arrests will still surprise them. Naturally there will be confusion amongst the public, but at the earliest possible moment they will be informed. When the media opens up to the truth the different sources will soon want to be part of the news about the changes...(more)
Monday, June 25, 2012
Thursday, June 21, 2012
48 Hours left: Save Rio, Save the Planet
To Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff:
As concerned global citizens, we call on you to save the Rio summit by re-opening talks to end fossil fuel subsidies. The text that negotiators have agreed to has no commitments, timelines, or enforcement mechanisms, just an "invitation" for countries to end polluter handouts. It’s too weak to stop the nearly one trillion dollars governments give to dirty coal, oil and gas each year. We urge you to save the Earth Summit and the planet by delivering a real deal to end fossil fuel subsidies.
To Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff:
As concerned global citizens, we call on you to save the Rio summit by re-opening talks to end fossil fuel subsidies. The text that negotiators have agreed to has no commitments, timelines, or enforcement mechanisms, just an "invitation" for countries to end polluter handouts. It’s too weak to stop the nearly one trillion dollars governments give to dirty coal, oil and gas each year. We urge you to save the Earth Summit and the planet by delivering a real deal to end fossil fuel subsidies.
Summer Solstice 2012
At Summer Solstice, we are being reminded of the need to remain true to ourselves, as the Sun forms a ‘sensitivity triangle’, with a quincunx (150°) aspect to the Moon’s North Node in Sagittarius, and semi-sextiles (30°) to Jupiter conjunct retrograde Venus in Gemini and Ceres in Taurus.There is an urgent need to understand how to align our heart-minds (Sun) with our individual vision for the future (Jupiter) and with our collective spiritual purpose (Moon’s Node). The challenge that faces us is how to fulfil both our individual and collective dreams, whilst simultaneously honouring the body and spirit of beloved Mother Earth (Ceres).
To do this, we need to let go of attachments to old patterns and ways of relating to the apparent dualism of the spiritual and material realms. Our consciousness is being challenged to go beyond the tendency to judge situations or others in black and white terms of ‘this is right or that is wrong’.
The solstice continues the themes of healing and re-balancing the masculine and feminine that were focussed by the May 20th Solar Eclipse and Venus transit. We are being called to grow up spiritually and understand the relativistic nature of how we express the masculine and feminine qualities within ourselves and out in the world. The Eclipse, followed by the Venus transit showed that as soon as one aspect of consciousness changes, then everything else must change to adapt to that...(more)
Commissioned by PRIME CREATOR
Dear ones, in regards to the arrest of the cabal and your sovereignty it seems you have a dilemma and we have noticed the following statement keeps popping up for you: "...what remains is to issue the legal warrants for their (THE CABAL) detainment."
We, The Bringers of the Dawn and the Family of Light give you a universal decree to finish the battle for freedom you have been fighting for so long. We so love you and we are watching over you! We are here now very close, so many of us watching what you will do! The whole universe is talking today about EARTH! You your very, very important! What you are about to do has never been done! We want you to handle the URGENT situation on EARTH NOW before we have too! We are here on an urgent mission because the planet is going to heave and buckle if you do not ACT NOW!
THE earth will ascend regardless, however you can make her labor and your transition easy if you apply the balm of healing to her! Do what feels right in your hearts! We abide under the great law that says do no harm! We ask you to do the same! Love all beings even the ones who are playing the dark roles. Use wisdom and compassion for all life! LOVE does win in the end and there is nothing to fear! Here is a gift written for you to use if you will! We give it to you on this wonderful Earth day June 20, 2012:
BY GLR MICHAEL (MICAH) THE PLEADIAN, Guardian of the Divine Plan
Commissioned by PRIME CREATOR
Dear ones, in regards to the arrest of the cabal and your sovereignty it seems you have a dilemma and we have noticed the following statement keeps popping up for you: "...what remains is to issue the legal warrants for their (THE CABAL) detainment."
We, The Bringers of the Dawn and the Family of Light give you a universal decree to finish the battle for freedom you have been fighting for so long. We so love you and we are watching over you! We are here now very close, so many of us watching what you will do! The whole universe is talking today about EARTH! You your very, very important! What you are about to do has never been done! We want you to handle the URGENT situation on EARTH NOW before we have too! We are here on an urgent mission because the planet is going to heave and buckle if you do not ACT NOW!
THE earth will ascend regardless, however you can make her labor and your transition easy if you apply the balm of healing to her! Do what feels right in your hearts! We abide under the great law that says do no harm! We ask you to do the same! Love all beings even the ones who are playing the dark roles. Use wisdom and compassion for all life! LOVE does win in the end and there is nothing to fear! Here is a gift written for you to use if you will! We give it to you on this wonderful Earth day June 20, 2012:
Monday, June 18, 2012
Jesus ~ Humanity is on a roll
John Smallman
Your destiny is to awaken, and unless you have made an extremely determined decision not to (and I can assure you that very few of you have made this kind of decision), you will awaken when that most wondrous moment arrives. And arrive it will — and unexpectedly! Yes, it is indeed close, but the precise moment remains unknown to all but God. You are on the path to an ecstatic awakening that is to amaze and delight you. Keep reminding yourselves of this divine truth, and enjoy the remaining moments until you awaken.
As you wait, make a strong intent to see and take satisfaction in the growing awareness that humanity is displaying as it embraces ever more enthusiastically the loving attitudes that are leading you inexorably homewards, and that are an essential and very necessary part of your awakening process. When you do this, you will see encouraging signs and demonstrations of these new attitudes in what might seem to be the most unlikely places. Humanity is on a roll, and the changes for which you have been hoping and praying are occurring at a dizzying pace all across the planet. Focus on them and allow your spirits to be uplifted..(more)
Your destiny is to awaken, and unless you have made an extremely determined decision not to (and I can assure you that very few of you have made this kind of decision), you will awaken when that most wondrous moment arrives. And arrive it will — and unexpectedly! Yes, it is indeed close, but the precise moment remains unknown to all but God. You are on the path to an ecstatic awakening that is to amaze and delight you. Keep reminding yourselves of this divine truth, and enjoy the remaining moments until you awaken.
As you wait, make a strong intent to see and take satisfaction in the growing awareness that humanity is displaying as it embraces ever more enthusiastically the loving attitudes that are leading you inexorably homewards, and that are an essential and very necessary part of your awakening process. When you do this, you will see encouraging signs and demonstrations of these new attitudes in what might seem to be the most unlikely places. Humanity is on a roll, and the changes for which you have been hoping and praying are occurring at a dizzying pace all across the planet. Focus on them and allow your spirits to be uplifted..(more)
The door to Ascension is wide open
SaLuSa 18-June-2012
Mike Quinsey.
The conditions upon Earth are turning into chaos in anticipation of the affect of the financial crisis. However we are behind the actions that are being taken to offset such affects so that with the final collapse, our allies can come forward with the answers. There will be no going back to the old ways that have put you in the position you find yourselves in. Any others steps that are taken to prolong them will only prolong the agony and the solution needs to be adopted very quickly. New systems are essential that take full control of the way that the banks operate, and fiat money will no longer be allowed. Years and years of corrupt practices and manipulation of the money markets has created a monster that has to be removed. Small will become beautiful and large corporations will be broken up. Debt forgiveness will remove the present problems created from the recklessness of the banks and restore your faith, because of the promises of the New Age that will ensure they are not repeated.
The door to Ascension is wide open, but nothing will be allowed to enter unless it is of the higher vibrations. Dismantling of the war machine will also be a great step forward, as with the rising level of consciousness it will have no place in your future. If has cost an unimaginable amount of money and energy that could have been used to give you all a very acceptable standard of living. The cost in human lives is also astronomical and laid down so much negative energy that it has been holding you back for many, many centuries. Living through duality has been a most challenging experience and much has been learnt by you, that has advanced your evolution so quickly. Some souls are still held back by the darkness they have created, but be assured they will be helped to overcome it. Not everyone can do so even though the higher vibrations are lifting you up and helping transmute the lower energies...(more)
Mike Quinsey.
The conditions upon Earth are turning into chaos in anticipation of the affect of the financial crisis. However we are behind the actions that are being taken to offset such affects so that with the final collapse, our allies can come forward with the answers. There will be no going back to the old ways that have put you in the position you find yourselves in. Any others steps that are taken to prolong them will only prolong the agony and the solution needs to be adopted very quickly. New systems are essential that take full control of the way that the banks operate, and fiat money will no longer be allowed. Years and years of corrupt practices and manipulation of the money markets has created a monster that has to be removed. Small will become beautiful and large corporations will be broken up. Debt forgiveness will remove the present problems created from the recklessness of the banks and restore your faith, because of the promises of the New Age that will ensure they are not repeated.
The door to Ascension is wide open, but nothing will be allowed to enter unless it is of the higher vibrations. Dismantling of the war machine will also be a great step forward, as with the rising level of consciousness it will have no place in your future. If has cost an unimaginable amount of money and energy that could have been used to give you all a very acceptable standard of living. The cost in human lives is also astronomical and laid down so much negative energy that it has been holding you back for many, many centuries. Living through duality has been a most challenging experience and much has been learnt by you, that has advanced your evolution so quickly. Some souls are still held back by the darkness they have created, but be assured they will be helped to overcome it. Not everyone can do so even though the higher vibrations are lifting you up and helping transmute the lower energies...(more)
Thursday, June 14, 2012
Emergence of Christ Consciousness
The incoming of the Divine Feminine aspect is now in full embrace of our beloved planet. She is greatly amplifying our initiations into Christ Consciousness while helping to rejuvenate our bodies in order to transcend into the new Divine-Human... and wayshowers of the emerging I AM Race.
Christ Consciousness, the Divine Union of Love, Wisdom and Power, is available to all while still in physical embodiment and it is by Divine Decree that we, who walk this Earth during these auspicious times, are the ones to fulfill this prophecy of "the second coming of The Christ". Through our advancement into the 5th initiation, we achieve our ascension while in the formed expression.
It has been confirmed by the Council of Elohim that we now have more than 144,000 people upon the Earth that are at least 5th level initiates and who have achieved and are now living in the frequency of Christ Consciousness.
Fifth level initiation is referred to as the "Resurrection". This demonstrates full mastery over the pull of matter. We completely return to the Monad and merge with the Group I AM while retaining a physical "light body" form. This is the attainment of 5th dimensional consciousness which is characterized by the experience of oneness.
The 144,000 was the number needed to trigger the mass advancement of the race including the great domino effect among all other Planetary Light Servers, which now number in the several million across the globe. This 144,000 Christ Harmonic is able to greatly strengthen and raise the rest of us (and Humanity) into direct experiences of Christ Consciousness as we continue advancing in our remaining initiations..(more)
Children of the Sun Humanitarian Foundation
• The Path of Initiation
• Message from the Elohim
• Amazon Accomplishments
• The Power of our Ascending Merkaba
• Self Realizations and Embodied Truths
• Next Planetary Grid Transmissions (New Moon & Solstice!)
Christ Consciousness, the Divine Union of Love, Wisdom and Power, is available to all while still in physical embodiment and it is by Divine Decree that we, who walk this Earth during these auspicious times, are the ones to fulfill this prophecy of "the second coming of The Christ". Through our advancement into the 5th initiation, we achieve our ascension while in the formed expression.
It has been confirmed by the Council of Elohim that we now have more than 144,000 people upon the Earth that are at least 5th level initiates and who have achieved and are now living in the frequency of Christ Consciousness.
Fifth level initiation is referred to as the "Resurrection". This demonstrates full mastery over the pull of matter. We completely return to the Monad and merge with the Group I AM while retaining a physical "light body" form. This is the attainment of 5th dimensional consciousness which is characterized by the experience of oneness.
The 144,000 was the number needed to trigger the mass advancement of the race including the great domino effect among all other Planetary Light Servers, which now number in the several million across the globe. This 144,000 Christ Harmonic is able to greatly strengthen and raise the rest of us (and Humanity) into direct experiences of Christ Consciousness as we continue advancing in our remaining initiations..(more)
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Venus Transit June 5th-6th!
The Venus Transit, that only occurs every 113 years,
will open a balance point in the heart which will enable you to connect with
your deepest source.
Cellular DNA will be activated through the mathematical relationship that is being created via the 5-pointed star geometry angle completion of the Transit.This activates the phi spiral inside of our DNA - awakening cellular consciousness!
What kind of Cellular Consciousness?
Divine Balance & Harmony, Love & Light of Venus and the Sun.
The fusion of light of the Sun and Venus will be transmitted to the Earth during the 6 hour portal of the Venus Transit.
This light of the Sun - which gives life to all things on planet Earth, including human life, and considered by the Egyptians to be the key to Eternal Life, and is the golden light of Christ Consciousness will be fused with the light energy of Venus - the Divine Feminine - also known as the Queen of Heaven - Isis, Mother Mary, Aphrodite
This Divine Union of energy of the Divine masculine light of the Sun with the Divine feminine light of Venus - the Holy Father energy and Holy Mother energy will be united forming a trinity with the Earth.
Earth will be receiving this light, the waters, oceans, plants, animals, and human life. Receiving and absorbing the light into our pulse systems of our body is important during this time. Stress and tension creates blockages to being able to assimilate higher frequencies into the body.
Most important now is to relax the body to open to receive the impulses of energy that will be transmitted to Earth.
This Divine Union Portal of higher frequency light energy from the Sun and
Venus, will also be a channel for the cosmic energies of Orion to flow through. The Orion Star System is where the Venus Transit is occurring!
The Orion star system is considered to be higher knowledge - original knowledge and connected with the Tree of Life.
Adam & Eve story - Tree of knowledge - original knowledge -
This is the awakening of knowledge inside of humanities cellular structure.
This if 5th dimensional knowledge and above.
This higher frequencies and colors of light are passing through the Venus Sun Earth Trinity portal and coming into Planet Earth.
All we have to do is be relaxed, connected in our heart, and in a state of equilibrium to receive them. Feeling our heart connected with our brain/mind, feeling the rhythmic pulse of the Earth pulsating through our body, mind and heart.
The Star Gate of the Heart is the portal that we can receive this higher love and original knowledge through. It is the equilibrium point that allows energy to absorb and integrate into to the
electro-magnetic field of the human system and Earth..(more)
The Venus Transit, that only occurs every 113 years,
will open a balance point in the heart which will enable you to connect with
your deepest source.
Cellular DNA will be activated through the mathematical relationship that is being created via the 5-pointed star geometry angle completion of the Transit.This activates the phi spiral inside of our DNA - awakening cellular consciousness!
What kind of Cellular Consciousness?
Divine Balance & Harmony, Love & Light of Venus and the Sun.
The fusion of light of the Sun and Venus will be transmitted to the Earth during the 6 hour portal of the Venus Transit.
This light of the Sun - which gives life to all things on planet Earth, including human life, and considered by the Egyptians to be the key to Eternal Life, and is the golden light of Christ Consciousness will be fused with the light energy of Venus - the Divine Feminine - also known as the Queen of Heaven - Isis, Mother Mary, Aphrodite
This Divine Union of energy of the Divine masculine light of the Sun with the Divine feminine light of Venus - the Holy Father energy and Holy Mother energy will be united forming a trinity with the Earth.
Earth will be receiving this light, the waters, oceans, plants, animals, and human life. Receiving and absorbing the light into our pulse systems of our body is important during this time. Stress and tension creates blockages to being able to assimilate higher frequencies into the body.
Most important now is to relax the body to open to receive the impulses of energy that will be transmitted to Earth.
This Divine Union Portal of higher frequency light energy from the Sun and
Venus, will also be a channel for the cosmic energies of Orion to flow through. The Orion Star System is where the Venus Transit is occurring!
The Orion star system is considered to be higher knowledge - original knowledge and connected with the Tree of Life.
Adam & Eve story - Tree of knowledge - original knowledge -
This is the awakening of knowledge inside of humanities cellular structure.
This if 5th dimensional knowledge and above.
This higher frequencies and colors of light are passing through the Venus Sun Earth Trinity portal and coming into Planet Earth.
All we have to do is be relaxed, connected in our heart, and in a state of equilibrium to receive them. Feeling our heart connected with our brain/mind, feeling the rhythmic pulse of the Earth pulsating through our body, mind and heart.
The Star Gate of the Heart is the portal that we can receive this higher love and original knowledge through. It is the equilibrium point that allows energy to absorb and integrate into to the
electro-magnetic field of the human system and Earth..(more)
Monday, June 4, 2012
Ascension will be much smoother than you might believe
SaLuSa 4-June-2012
The path to Ascension will be much smoother than you might believe, because over time the necessity to bring about severe physical changes has passed. You can take a lot of credit for this situation, because as a collective you have raised the consciousness levels. In bringing more Light to the Earth you have enabled the transmutation of the lower energies. The result is that the necessary cleansing does not call for the depth of changes, that were once thought necessary. The Earth is constantly shifting, and there are hundreds of minor earthquakes that take place every day without any adverse results.
So Dear Ones do not spend your time in fear of the coming period, and bear the consequences knowing it is all for your good. Rather look at the changes as sweeping the Earth clear of its blemishes and ugly spots, so that it can once more be restored. Bear in mind that you too are being cleansed in a similar way, to release any vibrations that cannot be taken with you into the higher ones. Much of it happens without your knowledge, but you can contribute by having a life style that lends itself to purifying your body and mind. Your choice of food is an important factor from the point of view of your health. Try to move away from processed foods and towards fresh produce. This way you will avoid many chemicals that would otherwise be ingested and remain as toxins in your body. Where possible include raw food in your diet and benefit from the energies that they carry. Drink plenty of water to keep the organs of your body cleansed, and avoid carbonated drinks if possible...(more)
The path to Ascension will be much smoother than you might believe, because over time the necessity to bring about severe physical changes has passed. You can take a lot of credit for this situation, because as a collective you have raised the consciousness levels. In bringing more Light to the Earth you have enabled the transmutation of the lower energies. The result is that the necessary cleansing does not call for the depth of changes, that were once thought necessary. The Earth is constantly shifting, and there are hundreds of minor earthquakes that take place every day without any adverse results.
So Dear Ones do not spend your time in fear of the coming period, and bear the consequences knowing it is all for your good. Rather look at the changes as sweeping the Earth clear of its blemishes and ugly spots, so that it can once more be restored. Bear in mind that you too are being cleansed in a similar way, to release any vibrations that cannot be taken with you into the higher ones. Much of it happens without your knowledge, but you can contribute by having a life style that lends itself to purifying your body and mind. Your choice of food is an important factor from the point of view of your health. Try to move away from processed foods and towards fresh produce. This way you will avoid many chemicals that would otherwise be ingested and remain as toxins in your body. Where possible include raw food in your diet and benefit from the energies that they carry. Drink plenty of water to keep the organs of your body cleansed, and avoid carbonated drinks if possible...(more)
Have you noticed how this 'rebooting' is creating a much deeper consciousness of who you really are, how Infinite you truly are, and how vitally important you are to the Divine Plan on this profound Planet? Every day is a day of sheer amazement and yes, often sheer exhaustion. It's good to know however, that the exhaustion is all energy, and nothing is wrong.
Next up in our triple-header energy, for May/June is the rare never to be seen again until 2117, Venus Transit on June 5th or 6th depending on where you live in the world. This rare celestial event is going to push us into the direction of finding our power within 'the mind and hands of the heart.' We belong to our hearts now.
This day is energetically reputed to be the second most pronounced day for human re-creation this year. It is a day in which creative impulses will arise and arouse your consciousness, as well as inform the rest of your waking life, about your life. Listen deeply.
Pay close attention, as the energies this day will have great effect on your consciousness, and your sense of purpose and direction. Be attentive, embrace your Infinite Self, release all that is weighing you down, and act creatively. You are being supported. This is not a time for creative paralysis. Dream large and take action!
The day of the Venus Transit is a day to become clear, dissolve remaining illusions, choose what you will creatively expand, and release what is contracting you. This activity must be done in sacred ceremony, with deep intention knowing that the Universe, the Earth, the Sun and the Planet Venus are in deep rapport with you...(more)
Have you noticed how this 'rebooting' is creating a much deeper consciousness of who you really are, how Infinite you truly are, and how vitally important you are to the Divine Plan on this profound Planet? Every day is a day of sheer amazement and yes, often sheer exhaustion. It's good to know however, that the exhaustion is all energy, and nothing is wrong.
Next up in our triple-header energy, for May/June is the rare never to be seen again until 2117, Venus Transit on June 5th or 6th depending on where you live in the world. This rare celestial event is going to push us into the direction of finding our power within 'the mind and hands of the heart.' We belong to our hearts now.
This day is energetically reputed to be the second most pronounced day for human re-creation this year. It is a day in which creative impulses will arise and arouse your consciousness, as well as inform the rest of your waking life, about your life. Listen deeply.
Pay close attention, as the energies this day will have great effect on your consciousness, and your sense of purpose and direction. Be attentive, embrace your Infinite Self, release all that is weighing you down, and act creatively. You are being supported. This is not a time for creative paralysis. Dream large and take action!
The day of the Venus Transit is a day to become clear, dissolve remaining illusions, choose what you will creatively expand, and release what is contracting you. This activity must be done in sacred ceremony, with deep intention knowing that the Universe, the Earth, the Sun and the Planet Venus are in deep rapport with you...(more)
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