Thursday, June 14, 2012

Emergence of Christ Consciousness
Children of the Sun Humanitarian Foundation


• The Path of Initiation

• Message from the Elohim

• Amazon Accomplishments

• The Power of our Ascending Merkaba

• Self Realizations and Embodied Truths

• Next Planetary Grid Transmissions (New Moon & Solstice!)

The incoming of the Divine Feminine aspect is now in full embrace of our beloved planet. She is greatly amplifying our initiations into Christ Consciousness while helping to rejuvenate our bodies in order to transcend into the new Divine-Human... and wayshowers of the emerging I AM Race.

Christ Consciousness, the Divine Union of Love, Wisdom and Power, is available to all while still in physical embodiment and it is by Divine Decree that we, who walk this Earth during these auspicious times, are the ones to fulfill this prophecy of "the second coming of The Christ". Through our advancement into the 5th initiation, we achieve our ascension while in the formed expression.

It has been confirmed by the Council of Elohim that we now have more than 144,000 people upon the Earth that are at least 5th level initiates and who have achieved and are now living in the frequency of Christ Consciousness.

Fifth level initiation is referred to as the "Resurrection". This demonstrates full mastery over the pull of matter. We completely return to the Monad and merge with the Group I AM while retaining a physical "light body" form. This is the attainment of 5th dimensional consciousness which is characterized by the experience of oneness.
The 144,000 was the number needed to trigger the mass advancement of the race including the great domino effect among all other Planetary Light Servers, which now number in the several million across the globe. This 144,000 Christ Harmonic is able to greatly strengthen and raise the rest of us (and Humanity) into direct experiences of Christ Consciousness as we continue advancing in our remaining initiations..(more)

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