The crystal skulls contain within them that which you were before the human experiment, and what you will be when you complete it, the infinity circle....
Stay In Your Homes, FOLKS!!! They CANNOT FORECLOSE ON YOU and we will take care of this once and for all with NESARA Law.
As a result of the recent investigation launched by the Florida Attorney General’s office, Bank Of America, GMAC Bank, JP Morgan Chase, and others, have all been found guilty of foreclosure fraud.
Greetings, Beings of Light! This is Lord Metatron.
It is a great Celebration remembering the Humble Birth of the Christ Child. We are all Christed Beings come here to release Earth from the stronghold of the dark Ones controlling the Many for the benefit of the Few.
Following the shifts on the 21st of Dec 2010, we will find ourselves within the Arcturian corridor. We will be able to access further knowledge and feel the connection between ourselves and our brothers and sisters of the light greatly increased.
The land Saint Nicholas is originally from rarely sees snowflakes -- it is a village of palm trees and orange groves on the Mediterranean Sea in what is modern-day Turkey. Nicholas, patron saint of sailors and children, lived and died there nearly 18 centuries ago.
It does still look like December 2012 is the most likely date for the pole shift to happen and the surge of solar flames at the same time. However, the first and greatest part of this evolution that is happening as we flip our consciousness into higher and higher dimensional frequencies until we have our complete multi-dimensional mind of God restored is happening December 21, 2010.
We're now only 2 years away from the much anticipated date of Dec 21 2012 and this does have a great significance! The upcoming full moon, winter solstice and total lunar eclipse of this year will be extra potent and powerful alignment, due to our now close location to the center of the galaxy.
We now enter the final chapters of the cardinal crisis. Four of the five outer planets have transited the solstice and equinoctial points this past summer. It is now time for the lunar nodes to cross these same points.
The coming week will bring with it deep feelings of joy and contentment for those of you who have been doing the work of transmutation and there will be a general feeling of upliftment within your inner Being.
In order to have Peace on Earth we are going to need a bunch of things come together including arrests of everyone responsible for the atrocities on the planet like genocide, 9/11, illegal financial activities, etc…
Legend has it that the rare thorn tree on a hill in southern England had ties to the earliest days of Christianity, and pilgrims often left offerings at its base. In more recent times, local children honored its current incarnation each year by cutting sprigs to place on Queen Elizabeth II's Christmas dining table.
"The tree unites everybody in the town," she said. "It's a symbol worldwide. Local people do see this as an attack on Glastonbury."
Is WikiLeaks sitting on the greatest story of all time?
Mysterious ‘Vortex’ Warned Is Creating Global Weather Catastrophe...
The Gulf of Aden vortex began to “expand” in late 2008 prompting the United States to issue an “extraordinary” warning to the entire world about this mysterious occurrence and which in response All Nations rushed their Naval Forces to this area.
Your Guides work closely with you. They watch your conversations, your choices and where you repeatedly place your energy. You may receive a nudge that you should move in a different direction.