Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Transmitted Through Ronna Herman
Beloved masters, it is vitally important for you to understand that these are unprecedented times whereby many special dispensations are in force. It is a grand opportunity for you, the seekers of the Light, to tap into your Divine heritage and your special gifts and talents. At rare intervals, and during the transitional period from one great Age to another, Cosmic Law allows the Beings of the angelic realm and the spiritual hierarchy to pass through the veil and make contact with select, awakened members of the human race. You must express a willingness and a desire to interact with these wondrous, advanced Beings, for they will not infringe upon your free will. When you focus your attention on a particular master, angel or Being of Light, they are immediately aware of you and will respond. The more intense, sincere and constant your desire, the more of their radiance they will bestow upon you.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Truly a time of great joy is approaching
by John Smallman
As time rolls rapidly onwards in the illusion many events of enormous significance continue to occur all over the world as the changes that are essential for your well-being are put into effect. The non-mainstream media news channels are giving you brief, uplifting glimpses of what is going on, but when the true nature and extent of what is happening becomes widely known, your delight and amazement will inspire you with unbounded happiness....

Monday, November 28, 2011

Omniverse-Alphaverse-Omegaverse -Extraterrestrial Space Matters - Spiritual Journeys
It is time to know about the supreme beings and those that serve all the various levels and dimensions as we learn about our place in space. Space matters and we shall learn about our matter in space also matters. For now, learn to astral travel to transcend space and time with out-of-body experiences. Get the feel of leaving one's own body after meditation and rising up and traveling the cosmos. We can share this in groups as many of us do travel together like those who are seen parachuting together and holding hands for awhile in space. We know of all that is outside of our world due to memories from those above who allowed us to serve this time and space as avatars.

You have seen a variety of bright lights on planet Earth, those people that bring the light from Home and shine it through a bubble of biology to help you to more easily see yourself and the light from Home. You have always known that some beings come in with almost too much light to carry. It is as if their eyes attract attention because of their extreme brightness, and they are so creative that everything they touch turns to magic. But sometimes their vibration is so high that it is difficult for them to be comfortable on Earth, a planet with such a low vibration. Many of you have seen these bright lights that we call "Earth Angels."

Friday, November 18, 2011

Heal the Wounded Heart

Peggy Black and the 'team'
This shift within and this offering of integration is happening between your highest galactic and celestial self and the physical form you dwell in at this time. There is a merger, there is a partnership, and there is an expansion. You are feeling this in the changes in your physical body as well as in your thoughts, dreams and meditations. You are being recalibrated so to speak. You are noticing more synchronicities occurring in your life. Reality is not as solid as it once seemed.
It is within the sacred heart that the alchemical process of transformation takes place. This is where there is a merger of all that is. This is the chalice that holds truth and wisdom. As a galactic citizen, a celestial being it is important that you heal, transform and release the physical human grief, sadness and regret which you are carrying in your heart. First your physical life will reflect this healing; more important, however, is that the portal of your heart will be clear and receptive to the divine connection, your divine guidance and you will radiate coherent emotions into the weaving of this planet's matrix.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

*Full and Complete* E.T. Disclosure Just Weeks Away?
Please read this article with discernment !!!
Apparently, the ETs have now warned the World Governments that they have but weeks (not known are the exact dates) to FULLY disclose their presence and true role in the history of human kind. The ETs feel that we as a people are not only READY for it, but that the people of the planet NEED to know, in order to promulgate human evoloution in the times ahead. They confirm that we are in the crucial period of transitioning from a type "0" civilization to a type "1."

Transference: the reBirth
By Lauren C. Gorgo

**Important to note: this transmission is encoded with specific frequencies that the Pleiadian High Council have asked me to distribute to those in resonance. This means that the energy contained within this article will activate, accelerate and/or align you to the Source Code frequencies, those codes that are contained within our God-DNA. As a disclaimer, these frequencies have the potential to greatly accelerate your awakening process and the activation of your divine blueprint
The PHC came bursting thru the veil yesterday with a preparation message for the 11:11 this week saying that we need to make a conscious effort to stabilize and anchor ourselves in the earth plane because the incoming frequencies are not only powerful, but in the words of the council, are “literally restructuring the physical foundation of your existence with the Source Codes of regeneration.”

“What we would like for you to understand is that the upcoming alignment is the one you have been waiting for…it is ostensibly THE most powerful event of the ages…an adjustment that will enhance your lives in every way.” -PHC

Hilarion's Weekly Message November 13 – 20, 2011
November 13 – 20, 2011

Beloved Ones,
Well done! Your focus on the 11-11-11 portal helped to set the pattern for the New World that is in the process of recalibration, the raising of vibration and frequency. Celebrate and rejoice in this accomplishment for this was an important and crucial step in the progression towards the new beginnings that are now set to come into manifestation upon your Planet. There is much that waits to unfold and it but requires the integration of the energetic downloads you have and will continue to receive. Your Light is growing ever brighter and wider as you begin to remember your true identity....(more)

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

The Doorways of Infinite Time - 11:11:11

Channeler: Meredith Murphy
Infinite time has harmonic affinity with zero-point resonance. It opens your occlusion to co-creation with the harmonic knowing of the vastness of your being in multiple dimensions of emanating expression, and as such taps the expansiveness of your wisdom and insight, thus empowering the Divinity of your human focus with true quantum perspectives of consciousness.

The human body is designed to realize and coherently organize itself relative to quantum fields. It is the consciousness of many levels of your being already. We invite you to realize what is occurring is simply your mental consciousness and your physical body's ability to discern and then translate experiences with conscious comprehension and appreciation--that is what is coming into alignment and full disclosure--the true nature of being.

Monday, November 7, 2011


Through the Lake Titicaca Golden Sun Disc
November 11, 2011
Children of the Sun Foundation invites you to a very powerful 11:11:11 live transmission taking place at 11:11 p.m. Peruvian time on the inner planes of consciousness. This is a culminating moment to our Rites of Passage, the firing of the Crystalline Grid and all of the grand momentum from live events around the world celebrating Unity Consciousness.
This transmission comes to us through the magnetic radiation of Sanat Kumara and planet Venus, the Love Star and guardian of our planet. This is received on the inner planes of consciousness while in our sacred meditative space.
Children of the Sun Foundation

ET Contact & UFO Disclosure - UPDATE

Saturday, November 5, 2011

5.0 Gulf of Aden quake: Andromeda Council sonic beam destroys reptilian base
Confirmation - Destruction of Reptilian undersea base
In an exclusive Oct. 31, 2011 ExopoliticsTV interview, the human representative of the Andromeda Council stated that a member of the Andromeda Council has confirmed that a 5.0 earthquake reported by the U.S. Geological Survey (U.S.G.S.) to have occurred in the Gulf of Aden at 1:22 am on October 31, 2011 was in fact an effect of a sonic beam weapons attack by the Procyon star system (a member of the Andromeda Council) on a Draco & Hydra Reptilian undersea base located at the same coordinates as the epicenter of the Gulf of Aden earthquake. (See FIG A for U.S.G.S. map setting out the exact epicenter of the Gulf of Aden earthquake).

Horus: You Are to Meet Your Inner Earth Family Shortly

Horus via Nancy Tate
Yes, there are some of you who will remember us. You will recognize our aura and our family remembrance. You will walk into our world of light and you will know that you have returned home to yourself. You will then be able to realize what it is that you have been waiting to be inspired to for the coming times. You will no longer feel that you are sitting on a shelf awaiting the grand new awakening to what your next contribution to mankind is to be.

When this takes place you will know beyond a doubt that you have been preparing for this turn of events in so many ways. The times of feeling stuck and in limbo will all show themselves for what they truly were; a time of clearing and preparation for the awakening to yourselves in a whole new way from what you have experienced in this duality existence.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

11-11-11 The Cosmic Moment Is NOW!

by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles

The events of 11-11-11 will be multifaceted and multidimensional, but one of the most significant events involves a quantum shift in Earth’s Crystal Grid System. This is the system that functions within the body of Mother Earth in the same way Humanity’s Chakras, acupuncture meridians, and acupuncture points function in our bodies. The Crystal Grid System is the vehicle through which the Light of God is flowing to increase the energy, vibration, and consciousness of every atomic and subatomic particle and wave of precious Life energy existing on Earth. This is the system through which Earth’s Ascension into the 5th-Dimensional Realms of Infinite Light is being victoriously accomplished.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

11:11:11 Oracle Vision
Oracle Visioning for Children of the Sun
lake titicaca
The triple date portal of 11-11-11 is a cosmic trigger that launches all life into a simultaneous raising of vibrational frequency. This carries the potential to catalyze major impacts within the planetary grids, causing a very swift polarity reversal within our consciousness. This keystone activation triggers a powerful sequence of portal openings across the globe.
It is not possible to understand exactly how this will outplay because we, ourselves, are creating this event in every now moment of positive and most dynamic intention.
When we speak of portals or stargates, we speak of these in context of a transition, from one dimensional perception to the next. This is occurring, first and foremost, within the inner realms of our consciousness. This is an inner event and one that connects the lifestream to the Soul, and more importantly, to the Group Soul. This is the key that unlocks the Seal to Divine Remembrance.

Ufos Sighted over Germany....WELCOME!

Your awareness is in the process of becoming unshuttered

Jesus through John Smallman

Your doubts are weakening and will continue to do so as you meet with and communicate with others who are also glimpsing flashes of the divine Light of Reality.  The unshuttering of humanity’s awareness of the brilliant Light of God’s unconditional Love for each and every one of you will not cease until it is complete and all are aware.  Your will to be aware has never left you because it is part of your true nature, but you did choose to deny it while hiding from Reality as you played with the concept of being separated from God and from one another.