Friday, August 31, 2012

Full Moon Friday ~ August 31, 2012

Dearest Grid Transmitters,
The days are getting progressively shorter as we march steadily towards the Equinox. As Planetary Light Servers, it is our task to take up the role of the Sun during times of increasing darkness, blazing our inner light into every long abiding shadow.

In these last few weeks before the Rites of Passage, we are gently guided to enter into a state of silent receptivity, listening to the hushed voice of our Soul as it reveals any areas in need of personal attention. Our current state of spiritual purity holds the centerpoint of our collective focus, reminding us to take the necessary time to balance and harmonize our energy body systems before we potentially emerge into God Realization.

It is wise to remember that we have always been perfect and God Realized. It is only through the conscious and unconscious acceptance of external programs that we came to veil this inherent Truth. Our spiritual body has always retained it's absolute purity, patiently waiting for us to turn our attention inwards and upwards towards the immanent Divine Presence. As we come to accept this, the light of our Soul and Monadic Source can more easily reveal itself in our physical forms.

With our vision concentrated upon the accomplished fact of our true God Power, we become the full embodiment of the Divine Human expression. The invocation of the Sacred Fires greatly assists in the purification, preparation and revelation of this innate blueprint of immaculate perfection. These potent planetary rays serve to qualify our every activity through the Will of God, the pure mirror of our thought-force, thus bringing forth our authentic Divine Self.

This month's blue moon graciously lends it's rare and subtle radiance to aide us in our upcoming transmission efforts. As a reflected source of solar light, we can work in perfect synergy with this celestial body to amplify our ability to focus our every thought and feeling upon the spiritual perfection of our entire Group Body.

Beloved Light Transmission Team, now is the time to share forth ALL you have actualized. Through this selfless act of energy transference, we widen and augment the bridge of light to our beloved Group I AM.

Mike Quinsey - SaLuSa, August 31, 2012

Mike Quinsey - SaLuSa, August 31, 2012
Our arrival will not signal any intent to take anything away from you, and it is quite the opposite as we have so much to give you to help you leap into the New Age. That of course is not the end of it as you will then join up with us on an equal basis, and together we will serve others who are needing the type of experience that we can give. Your future will bear little or no similarity to what you have been experiencing, and will be totally different but also very acceptable. We might say that you have not lived yet, because your lives have been served in a false reality. It is one that you were given freewill to create as you wished, but was taken over by the dark forces.
Whether the media care to report it or not, we are progressing very steadily and matters are building up for a grand finale. The new financial situation is taking shape and the necessity for great change is being accepted. It cannot therefore be very long before some announcements about it are forthcoming. It will certainly be the beginning of the end of the Illuminati. Without control of the money supply they are disjointed and unable to fund their various activities. We are in any event recovering vast sums of money, bonds and valuable metals that will be returned to their rightful owners or placed into a worldwide Redistribution Fund.
Dear Ones we are very busy overseeing our allies activities, and the more we work together the more success we are achieving. After Ascension our relationship with you will become even more personal, and you will quickly become Star Beings as you were eons of time ago. For that reason you will take to it very easily and feel at home with what you will be doing. It will all be very purposeful and aimed at bringing you fully into your new lives. How nice it will be for you to know that everyone you meet will be trustworthy and sincere in their activities. Honesty will be taken for granted, as in the higher dimensions there is no place for anything less... (more)

Sunday, August 26, 2012

"Prepare Your Life" Final Review Of Our Spiritual Purity
The Rites of Passage begin this September

Children of the Sun Foundation is co-creating a Rites of Passage Program for all Planetary Light Servers in which to guide a 12-week group initiation into greater levels of Unity Consciousness and the genuine perceptual and experiential awareness of the self as God.
As a resonant group, we have been preparing our life in order to make the necessary commitment to go the distance in this exponential passage. This is going to be one heaven of a ride, beloved Avatars, so gather your ability to focus with supreme intensity as we rise to meet our divine destiny through these Rites of Passage.
We are in the Final Preparation Phase!
To undergo these Rites, it is HIGHLY recommended that you have an advanced level of control and balance over your three lower bodies - the physical body, the emotions and the mind.
This entails a demonstration of physical purity, having brought the needs and wants of the body under the dominion of your soul.
The astral/emotional body is limpid and calm, demonstrating the ability to maintain a state of harmony and balance in the face of adversity.
In achieving control over the mental body, your thoughts are qualified by the Divine Presence within and demonstrate a high level of stillness and inner quietude...(more)

Friday, August 17, 2012

The 2012 Rites of Passage Begin Soon!
mental purity
Prepare Your Life ~ Review of our Mental Purity
The 2012 Rites of Passage Begin Soon!

The Rites of Passage begin this September

Embracing Mental Purity

Living from Intuition and Synchronicity

Energy Follows Thought

The Power of Divine Perception

Concentrating the Mind

Resources and Extra Support

We are in the Preparation Phase!
To undergo these Rites, it is HIGHLY recommended that you have an advanced level of control and balance over your three lower bodies - the physical body, the emotions and the mind.
This entails a demonstration of physical purity, having brought the needs and wants of the body under the dominion of your soul.
The astral/emotional body is limpid and calm, demonstrating the ability to maintain a state of harmony and balance in the face of adversity.
In achieving control over the mental body, your thoughts are qualified by the Divine Presence within and demonstrate a high level of stillness and inner quietude.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Mike Quinsey - SaLuSa, August 13, 2012

Mike Quinsey - SaLuSa, August 13, 2012
As the truth comes out it will also force the Government and Military authorities to come clean about their frequent contact with ET's, whilst denying to you that they have ever been made. For example the real facts about the Roswell crash have become general knowledge, but you still know little about what happened to the ET's that were involved. So Disclosure is such an important issue we do not take it too lightly to say the least, and when we hold back from our intentions, it is with very good reasons. The whole matter is one that has reached into so many areas of your life. Back engineering of crashed craft has in many ways benefitted you, but conversely it has been secretly developed for use against you through military applications. There is also the misuse of your countries wealth to fund extraordinarily secret massive projects, mostly to increase the power of the Illuminati and their control over you.
As the truth of your reality dawns upon people they will seek answers, and it is where the Lightworkers can excel by explaining what is happening. Even for those already enlightened there are sources of even greater knowledge, and these are emerging now. If you are ready for them, you can be assured that your Guides will arrange that you are in some way led to them. They are as you might say, your unsung heroes seeking no recognition for their service to you. If however you do have an awareness of their presence, they do appreciate an acknowledgment of what they have done for you. In life you have what you call so many coincidences that prove beneficial to you. They are inevitably behind them, and sometimes they involve a matter of life or death. However, we must not forget that your Angels also look after you, and if necessary can perform "miracles" if that is what is required.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Archangel Michael: The Passport to Ascension is Love

Archangel Michael: The Passport to Ascension is Love
This is one of the most informative interviews that I’ve heard from Archangel Michael. He answers questions like will the Earth disappear from Third Dimensionality when we ascend? Will children and pets need preparation to ascend? Will our houses and apartments be the same? Will we arrive with all our powers instantly available to us?
He tells us that the passport to Ascension is love. In another place he gives the example of an African woman who knows nothing about Ascension or ascended masters, etc., but who is pure and assures us that she will ascend.
He says that Ascension is available to everyone. There is no exclusivity about Ascension. Very reassuring. Next week we’ll have Commander Ashtar, who we had earlier planned to have on today along with AAM. Thanks to Ellen for such a fast turnaround in transcription..

Your clearest indicator of what is taking place within this Ascension process is your heart. It is the core of your being, knowing and deciding that you are choosing love, that you are more joyful, less restless, less impatient, and yet at the same time more eager to embrace the new adventure and to let go of the old third reality of duality, of polarity, of all the false paradigms that have been created by the third.
In your physical form, begin to feel yourself be reconstructed, and we would suggest not only in the external but from the inside out, because much of this is occurring with the activation of parts of your brain, of your glands, of your organs, of your bone marrow, of your subatomic fibers, of your DNA, of the shift from carbon to crystalline-based. So also pay attention to your physical form....(more)

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Vatican Official Declares Extraterrestrial Contact Is Real
Vatican Official Declares Extraterrestrial Contact Is Real
Vatican Official Declares Extraterrestrial Contact Is Real
Monsignor Corrado Balducci, a theologian member of the Vatican Curia (governing body), and an insider close to the Pope, has gone on Italian national television five times, including recent months, to proclaim that extraterrestrial contact is a real phenomenon. Balducci provided an analysis of extraterrestrials that he feels is consistent with the Catholic Church's understanding of theology. Monsignor Balducci emphasizes that extraterrestrial encounters "are NOT demonic, they are NOT due to psychological impairment, they are NOT a case of entity attachment, but these encounters deserve to be studied carefully." Since Monsignor Balducci is a demonology expert and consultant to the Vatican , and since the Catholic Church has historically demonized many new phenomena that were poorly understood, his stating that the Church does not censure these encounters is all the more remarkable.

Famed Roswell UFO crash involved 2 alien spacecraft, not one, as long believed: retired Air Force officer

A sign directs travelers to the start of the ‘1947 UFO Crash Site Tours’ in Roswell, N.M.

 Almost exactly 65 years after the Air Force shot down conspiracy theories that an alien aircraft had crashed in Roswell, N.M., a retired lieutenant colonel says not only was the UFO real, but it wasn’t the only one.
“There were actually two crashes at Roswell, which most people don’t know,” Richard French told the Huffington Post.
French, who was undergoing a test for the Air Force in nearby Alamagordo, N.M., in the summer of 1947, detailed what happened when a UFO supposedly flew over Roswell.
Read more:


Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Full Moon - Thursday, August 2

Unified Focus: Emotional Mastery

Dearest Grid Transmitters,
There is a palpable sense of intense activation moving throughout our Group Body right now. It feels as though many Planetary Light Servers are experiencing a 'popping' phenomenon as mutli-body clearings occur with increasing rapidity. The instantaneous nature of this transmutation is assisting in a greater opening of the inner gateways leading to heightened levels of multi-dimensional perception.
The presence of God within is being felt more tangibly than ever before as we strip away the last residual vestiges of emotional glamour and personal desire, finally allowing us to stand forth as a grounded forcefield made invincible through the reception of Divine Love.
The transformative potential of the upcoming full moon and recent solar flares is exponential. As the molten silver light of the moon bathes our group merkaba, all of our stagnant emotional shadow pieces are brought to the surface to receive the ultimate blessings of the Sacred Fire. This is an incredible opportunity for each of us to lock our heart-mind focus securely upon God, unwavering in our commitment to stabilize and transmute the currents of emotional discordance.
As Light Transmitters, we carry within us many actualized codes of emotional purity. We have been tried, tested and tempted by the deceptive glamours and desires that litter the spiritual path and have rose victorious. It truly is a matter of how we conduct ourselves on a daily basis that serves to demonstrate the mastery over any particular condition. Each time we attain mastery over a piece of emotional glamour, we assist our entire Group Soul as our interconnectedness allows us to share in your realization resulting in the possibility of foregoing the long and arduous experience of 'processing'.
Beloved Masters of the Peace Commanding Presence, in our full moon gathering, call forth every sacred purifying fire to penetrate all limiting conditions. Use our mighty group mantle of invincibility to aide you in transmitting your perfected energy signatures to our brothers and sisters in need of emotional support.
Together as one Holy Stream of Supernal Light, we weave the Divine Love of God through the collective field of humanity, effecting a spontaneous raising in our emotional mastery.
See you in the Matrix!

Two Olympic UFOs Confirmed 2012 HD