Monday, April 23, 2012

You still have doubts and anxieties about the inevitability of this great event
You still have doubts and anxieties about the inevitability of this great event

04/22/2012 by John Smallman

As the moment of your awakening approaches, many of you are feeling that continuing to hold the Light is draining your energy, because despite your faith you still have doubts and anxieties about the inevitability of this great event. This is very understandable because you have become accustomed to the disappointment of missed opportunities, missed meetings, and unrealized events or occurrences to which you had been looking forward with eager expectation. And you fear that you will once again be disappointed.....
However, when you release those beliefs – and truly they no longer serve you – you will find yourselves feeling much freer.  Your true desires will come to mind – your desires that are always in alignment with the divine.  Open your hearts, allow Love to suffuse them, breathe It in, feel It filling your whole being – and understand how much God loves you.

Monday, April 16, 2012


RESETTING YOUR KARMA - The Rainbow Scribe:
Within you is a programmed genetic coding to ‘seek’.

You are known universally as the ‘Seekers’. You ask questions when others do not even bother to think down that path. You strive to remember where you have come from, you seek the true oneness of love, that lives as a singular event within your heart. You look for that Oneness in the eyes of all that you meet. Time dances around you, winding and unwinding in such exactitude that a time-teamster would be jealous. Imagine all the cogs in the wheels that turn in each one of your existences to create events that open possibilities that you had not before entertained. Imagine a curtain being lifted allowing you to see the inner workings of every human heart you meet. As you move into these time events you will see the many deceptions each person wears, the many shoulds and should not’s that they still wrap around themselves as a cloak of invisibility. These new time lines ask you to not be afraid to see what is a global truth, a personal truth, a universal truth.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

The Planetary Grid Transmissions Full Moon - Friday, April 6
Blessed Children of the Sun, the Ascension is happening NOW!


Dear Light Team, Grid Transmitters and GEO Teams,
With each day this week, as the Moon grows full, our heart-lights are expanding with pure love frequencies as we enter the days of the Easter holy season. This time of rebirth, transfiguration and ascension mirrors the focus of our Children of the Sun Group Soul and the air is full of the harmony of individual purpose and self-less service to Humanity.

Following are the key focuses of this transmission which we will all receive again, in conscious awareness of what is being transferred:

*Unity Consciousness

*Liberation into Multidimensionality
*The Divine Joy of Living through a Deep Connection with Nature
*Merging Into Oneness with the Unified Field
*Deep Levels of Purification

There were lessons in patience, non-attachment and practice residing in blissful awareness regardless of the surrounding illusion.
Resulting in...
- altered brainwave frequency patterning which dissolved the stories from the ego-personality narratives
- the opening of the crystalline seals held within the DNA resulting in cellular transformation and pineal gland expansion
- a re-wiring and rebooting of the nervous system in order to sustain the opened pathway into the expanded perception of multidimensional awareness.
- seeing and experiencing the light body
- balancing of the brain hemispheres... rising of the androgynous blueprint and divine innocent child; thinking from the heart-brain.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Children of the Sun Humanitarian Foundation
I AM Avatar Yoga ~ April, 2012

It was realized that, in order to successfully open a portal of light, one must understand that our very bodies are meant to serve as a multidimensional gateways of divine light. Our physical vehicle is the key that unlocks the doorway into the higher realms. We serve as the grounding rods that hold the portal in place as it is opened and stabilized.

Our Collective Initiation into Multidimensionality
*The Amazon Transmissions
*Unity Consciousness and the Christ Harmonic
*Opening the Portals of Light
*Body Elemental Recalibration
*Living Outside the Mind
*Planetary Grid Transmissions, Full Moon April 6