Friday, March 22, 2013

Mike Quinsey - SaLuSa, March 22, 2013

Mike Quinsey - SaLuSa, March 22, 2013
  You are receiving more energy from outside of Earth, and it comes from many sources. Your Spring Solstice is one such powerful example and many, many people will have felt the effect. It is an uplifting energy that gives you what you sometimes call "the feel good factor" and a beautiful feeling of calmness and happiness. Hold it and you will find that some people can sense the change in you, and very soon it will become your normal way of being. Imagine a world full of souls who have all become as One and live permanently in the Light and Love, because it will come as you progress into the 5th. dimension. Some of you are there or are so near already, and you are the ones who lead the way. By your example many will follow where you have created the pathway. You are in such wonderful times when virtually anything is possible, so do not in any way limit your ambitions or belief in yourself...(more)

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