Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Can you feel the changes around you as the energies continue to rise up?

SaLuSa 21-May-2012
Mike Quinsey.
What is about to happen in all of your lives, is way beyond most peoples expectations. There will be some upheaval and inconvenience, but it will be quickly seen that the purpose is for your benefit. We are to ensure that you take a great leap forward, and are to have the technological advancements that will take you into the New Age. In the greater scheme of things they are shared between all civilizations, as it is seen that by doing so all are lifted up. It is only on Earth that greed and control keep you in a state of need, and that is not how it was intended to be. Already some technologies that have been hidden are about to be released. They will solve your current problems, that arise from your methods of providing energy for the various needs you have...(read  more)

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