Thursday, June 21, 2012

Summer Solstice 2012
At Summer Solstice, we are being reminded of the need to remain true to ourselves, as the Sun forms a ‘sensitivity triangle’, with a quincunx (150°) aspect to the Moon’s North Node in Sagittarius, and semi-sextiles (30°) to Jupiter conjunct retrograde Venus in Gemini and Ceres in Taurus.There is an urgent need to understand how to align our heart-minds (Sun) with our individual vision for the future (Jupiter) and with our collective spiritual purpose (Moon’s Node). The challenge that faces us is how to fulfil both our individual and collective dreams, whilst simultaneously honouring the body and spirit of beloved Mother Earth (Ceres).
To do this, we need to let go of attachments to old patterns and ways of relating to the apparent dualism of the spiritual and material realms. Our consciousness is being challenged to go beyond the tendency to judge situations or others in black and white terms of ‘this is right or that is wrong’.
The solstice continues the themes of healing and re-balancing the masculine and feminine that were focussed by the May 20th Solar Eclipse and Venus transit. We are being called to grow up spiritually and understand the relativistic nature of how we express the masculine and feminine qualities within ourselves and out in the world. The Eclipse, followed by the Venus transit showed that as soon as one aspect of consciousness changes, then everything else must change to adapt to that...(more)

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