Monday, August 13, 2012

Mike Quinsey - SaLuSa, August 13, 2012

Mike Quinsey - SaLuSa, August 13, 2012
As the truth comes out it will also force the Government and Military authorities to come clean about their frequent contact with ET's, whilst denying to you that they have ever been made. For example the real facts about the Roswell crash have become general knowledge, but you still know little about what happened to the ET's that were involved. So Disclosure is such an important issue we do not take it too lightly to say the least, and when we hold back from our intentions, it is with very good reasons. The whole matter is one that has reached into so many areas of your life. Back engineering of crashed craft has in many ways benefitted you, but conversely it has been secretly developed for use against you through military applications. There is also the misuse of your countries wealth to fund extraordinarily secret massive projects, mostly to increase the power of the Illuminati and their control over you.
As the truth of your reality dawns upon people they will seek answers, and it is where the Lightworkers can excel by explaining what is happening. Even for those already enlightened there are sources of even greater knowledge, and these are emerging now. If you are ready for them, you can be assured that your Guides will arrange that you are in some way led to them. They are as you might say, your unsung heroes seeking no recognition for their service to you. If however you do have an awareness of their presence, they do appreciate an acknowledgment of what they have done for you. In life you have what you call so many coincidences that prove beneficial to you. They are inevitably behind them, and sometimes they involve a matter of life or death. However, we must not forget that your Angels also look after you, and if necessary can perform "miracles" if that is what is required.

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